Monday, December 21, 2009

Earn cash daily ,it's free and it works.

Now I know that everyone is looking for that get rich quick thing that works, well the truth is their is not one so get used to that idea and move on. Actually for those who sign up to those schemes you are making someone else rich, for more on this and ways to avoid these snares read this.
On to other things or more accurately the subject of todays blog, their are indeed ways to make money on line finding them is the trick. Now when you find a business opportunity that works then you need funds for advertising and monthly fees if applicable, that is where this idea comes into play I have a list of free to join sites that pay you to view sites and read emails and sometimes to join sites as well.
Their are several of them listed all are free to join all have different paid out amounts, all you have to do is join them and stay busy on them and you can make a little cash daily. so follow this advice if you would like some extra cash lord knows we could all use it, ciao for now have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Join free to make some cash.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How to make a little money every day.

There are ways to make money on line that are legitimate and workable that much is certain, however if you are one of those looking for fast money or instant wealth than you are in for dissappointment on line. There is no instant wealth formula and those things that you see advertising such are full of monkey dung, if you want to make money on line there are several places to do so residualy that are both affordable and workable, for one such business see this.
This will require both time and advertising as well as promoting through other sources, some are free to do and some are not however if you join the sites I will show you for free they will allow you to make enough cash to fund your advertising so you do not have any out of pocket expense so join these free today and start clicking.Try this for free

Saturday, November 21, 2009

You wont get rich but you can make money.

Greetings one and all and welcome to The Fergy Co Blog, I have spent much time recently exploring a myriad of ways to help people make money on line. Now their is no system that is 100% certain this is the truth and several systems are out right scams from the get go(one recently imploded and is no longer on line). Very humorous to me as I was never involved with and never attempted to become involved with the system or the jerky boys that ran it, I can feel remorse for those who were sucked into it and lost there shirts but such is life.
So is there a way to make money on line? Of course there is however you must first know and accept that you wont become a millionaire over night, second you must work at making money on line just like you must work at your job. A largely overlooked thing these days in people wanting to get rich quick is a way to make a little cash everyday, All are free to join and take a little time to click some links to build up your funds but they all work and they all pay. So if you need to make money to help fund your other endevors such as advertising and promotion then sign up to these and use them daily.
Join These sites today.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Making Money on line a little at a time.

Greetings to all and a pleasant veterans day to all, now I am not one of those self proclaimed "GURU'S" who's going to tell you how to make millions over night. They for the most part have one thing in common, they are all full of crap clear up to their ears. You can actually make money from online ventures but it is not instant will not happen overnight and requires work to do, I can however point you to a some sites where you may join free and make small amounts of cash daily. If you are trying to make money online and are operating on a small or non existent budget this is an ideal place to start and all you need is some time and a Pay Pal or AlertPay account both of which are free to open, I have both as I use them for different things but to each their own on that. The beauty of these sites is all you have to do is view sites or read e mails and get paid for it, plus the added bonus of telling your friends or if you have one list members about it and if they join up free you make a little cash for that as well. So follow the link below join the sites for free, visit daily and you will be surprised how quickly the money adds up.
have a great day and a better tomorrow, "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."

Start earning here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Global pre launch going on.

Global cash formula is a brand new business, currently in pre launch the official launch date is set for december 2nd. Best of all right now while they are in pre launch you can join for free, you then need only recruit 3 people into the free pre launch to see a profit on launch day. Though they have shown very little of the products that will be available on launch day they are their and ready, now is the time to join so that you can see some profit before Christmas. Now is the time to set yourself in line to profit from the coming cashflow, the choice is yours but choose wisely as time grows near to no longer being able to join free.

Go here to learn more.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Residual income sources.

In todays jacked up economic state any source of income is preferable to no source of income, unfortunately their are over six million americans at the moment with no source of income other than dwindling reserves of unemployment.
That is why it is more crucial now than ever before to have a reserve source of income to help out in crunch time, I was fortunate enough to find just such a program or actually a home business that gives me a source of income. This is not some B.S. get rich quick scheme or anything like that, it is a home business that has been around for going on 16 years. If you google them you will find no negative entries, they have been paying members in 150 countries around the world on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. So if you want to start a source for a secondary income at a more than affordable one time out of pocket expense, than give my free report a look and learn all about this business you wont be dissappionted.


Friday, September 25, 2009

A life time of Income could be yours.

I am sure that most everyone has seen enough B.S. offers floating around that they are skeptical about all of them, and who can blame you I myself am quite the healthy skeptic I find it saves time and mostly money to be so. However as time has passed and businesses researched I have found one that actually does pay out and has been doing so for more than ten years, now I am not saying that you are going to become filthy rich overnight as that is a dream that will never happen. However if you would like to build a business that will make you a nice secondary residual income that lasts forever, and unlike others does not charge you your left nad every month to do so than you may want to check this out. Not only are you assured to make a little money even weekly if you promote a lot and advertise it well, but their is a one time out of pocket payment and then you can put your wallet and credit card away as far as this business goes. So do yourself a favor and take five minutes to read my web page or a few minutes to read my free report it does'nt cost anything to read now does it.
5 Minutes is all it takes.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pluses and minuses of todays net marketing.

The internet today is a mass of jumbled crap so many offers and most are B.S., which is unfortunate as it detracts from those that are for real. I spend much time investigating these offers and finding what works and what does not, one thing that I have discovered over time is that the statement the money is in your list is absolutely true. However I have also seen so many who sell crap for other people and make a small profit from it and never get their own offers noticed, I know this as I was one of them now however I have found a way to sell my own businesses and build my list all at the same time. There is a very small monthly fee for this but it is about the same as a Hamburger and fries for lunch, or actually at todays prices less than that as it is under six dollars a month. For more information and a look at what I am talking about take a look for yourself after all it does'nt cost anything at all to look.

Start selling yourself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Residual income sources.

I have actually found several sources of residual income as of late they are all starting to work quite well for me to the tune of one new signup daily on one or another, to some that may not seem like a lot others are saying how are you getting at least one new signup per day? the answer is actually quite simple and reatively inexpensive as well if you want to see how than you must first learn to promote yourself and your businesses instead of wasting time and money promoting someone else's stuff. The methood that I use is as stated previously very inexpensive and is a viral list builder as well so if you want to achieve On Line Success than follow the lonk provided and learn how to do this, you wont regret it and you will never look back again.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Need Great Free advertising?

How would you like to be able to post your ads and be guarenteed that they will be seen and be read? Well I have found a place where you can do just that and best of all its free, I know that most people become weary or flat out unbelivers at the word guarentee. However if you could post your ads directly to peoples desktops where they see them everytime that they log on to there computer, do you think that your ads might just get noticed than? do they have a very good chance of actually being read than? Give it a try its free to join so you have absolutely nothing to loose and quite possibly a whole lot to gain.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Building a Life Long residual income.

Greetings one and all it is june 1st already the year is half over, the economy still sucks however which is why i am writing this post.
I am sure most people have seen a million rehashed offers and all the B.S. that goes with them I know that i have, this however is a company that actually does work.
It is not some get rich quick crap I do not and will not promote or condone those, however if you are active and promote your business(their are many sources for FREE ADVERTISING available on line) you can build a lasting residual income source and with todays economy who couldnt use the extra cash?. Log on watch the video presentation and you will see what I mean, it wont cost you anything to do so and the price to join will definetly surprise you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Life long residual Income.

Greetings one and all,
Shan here with a new blog post for the day, today I will talk to you about a company of which I am a Life Long Member. I became a Lifetime member when I joined as they charge a one time payment to join, if you enter at the lowest or bronze level you will be slowly worked upwards through the levels to the main wealth stream by a small deduction from earned commissions you need never pay anything out of pocket again. Now this is not a normal company to be certain they have a proven 15 year record of daily payouts to members, and their pay system has several different programs so you will be able to earn more money from the various programs as well.
Sounds like MLM You say? well not exactly as all of these pay systems are just different programs within the company no other companies become involved, well other than alertpay or standardtrust pay where your commissions are paid to your account.
What is this company? what the hell are you babbling on about? follow the provided link and find out for yourself, read the Free Report and see if this business sounds right for you.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How to Actually make money On Line

I used to think that it was impossible to make money on line, until I came across this company that is. The F5M Millionaires Club not only has shown me but Thousands of others that it is very possible to make money on line, in fact at the highest level the payouts often come on a daily basis and best of all go directly into your alert pay or standard trust pay account. The pay system is unique to anything else that I have encountered on the web and you're talking three years of working different programs with marginal success.If the offer was out there you can bet that I probably tried it, some were out and out B.S. others had paid out to others but by the time I got into it were so filled up that nobody at the lower tiers had any chance of making any money. Well it is not in my nature to quit or to give up on anything, so I kept searching and investigating and found this Company.
Follow the link provided below and download and read my FREE Report and see for yourself exactly what I am talking about, hope to see you on the inside have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind"

Monday, May 11, 2009

How would you like to make residual income for Life?

In these tough times and with the current economic crunch who wouldnt? I along with several million others in this country am on temporary layoff, however this has given me more time to work with my On Line business ventures which are now starting to show some decent profit. More time to work them has given me better insight into various advertising techniques that I never took the time to use before. Plus to be honest I was being cheap and doing as much free stuff as I could which gets you some traffic and a few sales here and there but nothing to write home about. Now with time on my hands and a modest amount spent on advertising my list has grown exponentially and so has my downline for several Businesses that I have. So if you are looking for a source of lifetime residual income look no further, if you have five free minutes follow the link below it could change your life forever.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just a quick hello

It has been quite some time since I have posted anything here, to be honest I was putting all my time into my jobs other than my online marketing, now since like 60% of the population I am on temporary layoff I am back on line and working at this again. My old site is long since gone by the wayside but I am building my new one now, slowly but surely finding things that work for me and putting them their for others to try and benefit as well. I have always been a big advocate of honesty in your online business ventures, so that is why I have nothing on my site that I myself do not use or do So if you want to see something different or if nothing else take a look at my new ever growing site and see what you think let me know